Regular Fellowship
Dinner & Devotion
The second Wednesday night of every month, we are blessed with a meal from our resident hospitality specialist - Debbie Thomas. We start at 6:00 PM on that Wednesday and have a nice meal with plenty of talking and laughter before the 7:00 PM Bible Study.
Sunday School Breakfast
The first Sunday morning of every month, we have a small group of loving servants that come in extra-early to get the bacon and eggs going. They serve a full-fledged breakfast with all the fixins' - and it provides a great fellowship opportunity prior to Sunday School. They start feeding at 9:15.
Women's Fellowship
The first Thursday evening of each month, our ladies gather together to spend time in fellowship and in the Word. This would be a great way to meet and network with other women of faith. They meet at 7:00 PM.
Men's Fellowship
The Men's Fellowship group meets once per quarter for a variety of events. This could include a group project, a Bible study, a men's conference, etc. These men love the Lord and show love to one another. This is a great place to meet and fellowship with other men of faith!
Special Fellowship
Throughout the year, there will be multiple opportunities for "special fellowship". This could be as far-reaching as a trip to Biltmore (as pictured to the left in 2019), or it could be a trip to a movie, to eat, to sit around a fire, to shoot guns, go hunting, four-wheeling through the wilderness, build a Christmas float, etc. You want to be sure to watch the calendar and your weekly bulletin for these upcoming events.