Regular Worship
We encourage the consistent worship of God. That comes out in a variety of ways. In our corporate worship services, we worship through song, Scripture reading, prayer, giving tithes and offerings, the proclamation of the Gospel, and response to the Gospel. It is also important for a Christian believer to find time for private worship as well.
Our typical music style is traditional with piano and guitar accompaniment, but we are open to any style that is glorifying to God and representative of good theology and doctrine.
Our typical music style is traditional with piano and guitar accompaniment, but we are open to any style that is glorifying to God and representative of good theology and doctrine.
Special Ordinances
We practice baptism by immersion (which means dunking someone completely under water). This represents the spiritual reality of what has already taken place in their heart. Going below the water shows the death of the old man, and rising up out of the water shows their resurrection into new life in Christ.
We practice Communion, or the Lord's Supper, once per quarter throughout the year. Communion is a time to link arms and remember the sacrifice of Jesus. The bread represents the body of Christ that was broken for you. The juice represents the blood of Christ poured out for your sins and the sins of the world.
Praise Team
In our Wednesday night Adult Bible Study, we have been experimenting with a praise team. We sing primarily contemporary praise songs with guitar accompaniment.